Friday, January 11, 2008

What Start-ups Need: active users or revenue?

Creating a desirable product is disconnected from trying to monetize. In consumer products there’s a great deal of pressure to distort your vision by squeezing monetization into it. We’d rather focus on evolving our product. It’s also just more fun

Like garage bands that want to hone their chops and grow a fan base before taking on any paying gigs, more Web 2.0 startups like Crusher are electing to put off pursuing revenue streams until they get their act and their audience together. Microsoft’s and Disney’s recently announced intentions to buy dozens of startups apiece validated many of these entrepreneurs’ implicit exit strategies: Work hard for a couple years, then sell out to a big company.

Unlike the early dot-com era, when the mantra was Get Big Quick, these bootstrappers can afford to be patient. Thanks to open source tools, cloud computing, cheap storage and virtual organizations, startups can do a lot more with a lot less. Things that would have cost $10 million during the bubble can be done for $500,000 today. In the bubble times companies would spend $10 million just to get eyeballs, without any notion of whether they would stick. Now the burn rate is being used to evolve the product, to see if they can get it to be adopted virally. That requires a lot more patience.

Of course, without metrics to guide investors, revenue-free companies are better able to trade on their hype and potential in order to inflate their value to potential acquirers. But this is more common of open source software firms than Web 2.0 startups.

Web companies need to demonstrate a clear path to revenue generation, even if they’re not planning to get there any time soon, notes Mike Kwatinetz, a general partner with Azure Capital.
Yet in this stage of the Bubble 2.0 era, startups derive more value from their virality — how rapidly and broadly they are adopted — than their profitability.

“Numbers clearly matter,” says Hans Peter Brøndmo, CEO of Plum, a site that allows users to share music, videos, web pages and other forms of content. “But the numbers that matter most are not the ones with dollar figures attached, they’re the ones that measure page views and site engagement. If I go to a VC and say, ‘We have 2 million active users a month,’ they’ll probably get pretty excited. If I said, ‘We did $2 million in revenue,’ they probably won’t. If we can do both, and show we’re on a path to make hundreds of millions of dollars in the future, obviously any investor will look at that and say that’s a compelling story.”


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